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Trivia Quiz - Sitcom Couples

Match the couple with the sitcom....VERY easy!

Quiz Number: 1376
Date Submitted: June 29, 2007
Quiz Categories: American TV Sitcoms
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: LittleLady
Average Score: 89.5 percent
Times Taken: 479 times
Taken by Registered Users: 36

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Sitcom Couples
(Image Source: FiftiesWeb)

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1. Alice & Ralph
  A.   Honeymooners
  B.   Brady Bunch
  C.   Dennis the Menace
  D.   Dick Van Dyke Show

2. Jill & Tim
  A.   Dennis the Menace
  B.   Home Improvement
  C.   Brady Bunch
  D.   Leave It To Beaver

3. Jim & Margaret
  A.   According to Jim
  B.   Father Knows Best
  C.   Dennis the Menace
  D.   Dick Van Dyke Show

4. Jim & Cheryl
  A.   According to Jim
  B.   Father Knows Best
  C.   Green Acres
  D.   Leave It To Beaver

5. Ward & June
  A.   Green Acres
  B.   Dennis the Menace
  C.   Leave It To Beaver
  D.   Brady Bunch

6. Lisa & Oliver
  A.   Green Acres
  B.   Home Improvement
  C.   Happy Days
  D.   Father Knows Best

7. Marion & Howard
  A.   Father Knows Best
  B.   Brady Bunch
  C.   Happy Days
  D.   Dennis the Menace

8. Mike & Carol
  A.   Dick Van Dyke Show
  B.   All In the Family
  C.   Roseanne
  D.   Brady Bunch

9. Henry & Alice
  A.   Dick Van Dyke Show
  B.   Dennis the Menace
  C.   Leave It to Beaver
  D.   Brady Bunch

10. Rob & Laura
  A.   Roseanne
  B.   Brady Bunch
  C.   Dick Van Dyke Show
  D.   Home Improvement®   

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