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Trivia Quiz - Hogan's Heroes Character Match

I always enjoyed Hogan's Heroes. Hope you enjoy the quiz; it's easy.

Quiz Number: 2792
Date Submitted: August 12, 2008
Quiz Categories: American TV Sitcoms
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: phonerec
Average Score: 89.8 percent
Times Taken: 62 times
Taken by Registered Users: 6

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Hogans Heroes Character Match
(Image Source: Hogan's Heroes @

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1. Who was the senior POW officer?
  A.   Newkirk
  B.   Hogan
  C.   Carter
  D.   LeBeau

2. Who was an expert at making bombs?
  A.   Carter
  B.   Newkirk
  C.   LeBeau
  D.   Kinchloe

3. Who was a very talented chef?
  A.   Hogan
  B.   Newkirk
  C.   Kinchloe
  D.   LeBeau

4. Who was the resident con man and safe cracker?
  A.   Newkirk
  B.   Carter
  C.   Shultz
  D.   Hogan

5. Who was the communications (radio) specialist?
  A.   Carter
  B.   LeBeau
  C.   Kinchloe
  D.   Newkirk

6. Who was the commandant of Stalag 13?
  A.   Klink
  B.   Burkhalter
  C.   Hochstetter
  D.   Shultz

7. Who was the commandants bumbling right hand man?
  A.   Burkhalter
  B.   Hochstetter
  C.   Shultz
  D.   Hitler

8. Which general gave the commandant trouble?
  A.   Burkhalter
  B.   Hochstetter
  C.   Schutz
  D.   Klink

9. Who was the head of the Gestapo?
  A.   Klink
  B.   Burkhalter
  C.   Shultz
  D.   Hochstetter

10. Who were the two secretaries for the commandant?
  A.   Helga and Hilda
  B.   Olga and Helga
  C.   Olga and Hilda
  D.   He didn't have one.®   

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