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Trivia Quiz - A to Z Vocabulary (G Words)

Find the definitions for these words that start with the letter "G" by taking this vocabulary quiz.

Quiz Number: 3805
Date Submitted: January 17, 2011
Quiz Categories: Grammar & Vocabulary
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 56.5 percent
Times Taken: 43 times
Taken by Registered Users: 7

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A to Z Vocabulary (G Words)
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1. What is the meaning of the word gregarious?
  A.   drunk
  B.   outgoing
  C.   regardless
  D.   very funny

2. What is the meaning of the word gambol?
  A.   an Italian beverage
  B.   to dance or skip around playfully
  C.   to play a game for money or property
  D.   to pounch

3. What is the meaning of the word gauche?
  A.   crude
  B.   incorrect
  C.   a very thin, usually transparent fabric
  D.   superficial

4. What is the meaning of the word grovel?
  A.   an 18th century leather tool
  B.   to extend
  C.   to humble oneself in a demeaning way
  D.   pebbles and small pieces of rock

5. What is the meaning of the word gustatory?
  A.   highly valued
  B.   relating to intestines
  C.   relating to sense of taste
  D.   relating to stong winds

6. What is the meaning of the word gratuitous?
  A.   generous
  B.   humble
  C.   thankful
  D.   unwarranted

7. What is the meaning of the word guile?
  A.   deception
  B.   guilt
  C.   part of a wheel on a shopping cart
  D.   stupidity

8. What is the meaning of the word garrulous?
  A.   argumentative
  B.   repetitive
  C.   very hungry
  D.   very talkative

9. What is the meaning of the word gainsay?
  A.   to decide unilaterally
  B.   to deny
  C.   to discuss laundry detergent
  D.   to win an argument

10. What is the meaning of the word garner?
  A.   to gather and store
  B.   one who collects subway tokens
  C.   a precious red gemstone
  D.   a strap worn to hold up a stocking®   

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