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Trivia Quiz - Battle of Gettysburg - Part II

More questions on the battle (July 1-3, 1863) that was the turning point of the U S Civil War and the furthest point north reached by Confederate forces during the war.

Quiz Number: 5110
Date Submitted: August 25, 2013
Quiz Categories: American History, American Civil War
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 65.7 percent
Times Taken: 185 times
Taken by Registered Users: 13

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Battle of Gettysburg  Part II

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1. Approximately how many soldiers were involved in the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   80,000
  B.   160,000
  C.   190,000
  D.   220,000

2. Which of the following important vantage points was not part of the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   Culp's Hill
  B.   Missionary Ridge
  C.   Cemetery Ridge
  D.   Little Round Top

3. Which U.S. state is home to Gettysburg?
  A.   Virginia
  B.   Maryland
  C.   Alabama
  D.   Pennsylvania

4. Who of the following was not one of the Confederate commanders at the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   James Longstreet
  B.   Jeb Stuart
  C.   Daniel Sickles
  D.   Jubal Early

5. Who of the following was not one of the Northern commanders at the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   Richard Ewell
  B.   Winfield Hancock
  C.   John Buford
  D.   John Caldwell

6. What oddity occurred during the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   A Confederate brass band played during the battle.
  B.   There was an eclipse of the Sun.
  C.   A group of women from a local church attempted to persuade both commanders not to fight.
  D.   Both armies jointly celebrated July 4 after the battle.

7. What was the name of the defining conflict on the last day of the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   Trickett's Charge
  B.   Sickles' Folly
  C.   Pickett's Charge
  D.   Carmichael's Assault

8. What factor do historians attribute as the major cause for the Northern forces repulsing the South's charge on the final day of Gettysburg?
  A.   Recent rain meant the South couldn't maneuver its artillery to support the assault.
  B.   A fence the Confederates had to climb over
  C.   A field of corn had been harvested the previous week leaving no cover for advancing troops
  D.   Use of rifled-barrelled artillery that could shoot further and more accurately

9. Approximately how many soldiers were killed in the Battle of Gettysburg?
  A.   8,000
  B.   16,000
  C.   23,000
  D.   46,000

10. What commodity was thought to be the cause of both forces converging on Gettysburg?
  A.   gun powder
  B.   alcohol
  C.   horses
  D.   shoes®   

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