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Trivia Quiz - Seinfeld: The Actors Who Played The People They Dated

These are some of the people the Seinfeld regulars dated. Seinfeld characters and Seinfeld trivia!

Quiz Number: 1027
Date Submitted: April 01, 2007
Quiz Categories: Seinfeld
Quiz Type: People Quiz
Author: LittleLady
Average Score: 66.5 percent
Times Taken: 162 times
Taken by Registered Users: 12

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Seinfeld The Actors Who Played The People They Dated
(Image Source: Seinfeld Cast)

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1. Who played the part of Marla the Virgin?
  A.   Susan Walters
  B.   Teri Hatcher
  C.   Jane Leeves
  D.   Heidi Swedberg

2. What actress played Sidra?
  A.   Jane Leeves
  B.   Teri Hatcher
  C.   Susan Walters
  D.   Suzanne Snyder

3. Which actress played Audrey?
  A.   Teri Hatcher
  B.   Heidi Swedberg
  C.   Suzanne Snyder
  D.   Susan Walters

4. Which actress played Delores?
  A.   Susan Walters
  B.   Jane Leeves
  C.   Teri Hatcher
  D.   Suzanne Snyder

5. Which actress played Susan Ross?
  A.   Jane Leeves
  B.   Heidi Swedberg
  C.   Teri Hatcher
  D.   Suzanne Snyder

6. Which actor played David Puddy?
  A.   Patrick Warburton
  B.   Peter Crombie
  C.   Matt McCoy
  D.   Mark Metcalf

7. Which actor played the Maestro?
  A.   Patrick Warburton
  B.   Bryan Cranston
  C.   Mark Metcalf
  D.   Matt McCoy

8. Which actor played Lloyd Braun?
  A.   Patrick Warburton
  B.   Bryan Cranston
  C.   Mark Metcalf
  D.   Matt McCoy

9. Which actor played Crazy Joe Davola?
  A.   Bryan Cranston
  B.   Peter Crombie
  C.   Mark Metcalf
  D.   Matt McCoy

10. Which actor played Dr. Tim Whatley?
  A.   Bryan Cranston
  B.   Peter Crombie
  C.   Matt McCoy
  D.   Mark Metcalf®   

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