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Trivia Quiz - National Lampoon's Vacation

I love "National Lampoon's Vacation" - and the family truckster! -LittleLady

Quiz Number: 1600
Date Submitted: September 12, 2007
Quiz Categories: Comedy Movies
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: LittleLady
Average Score: 48.3 percent
Times Taken: 468 times
Taken by Registered Users: 33

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National Lampoons Vacation
(Image Source: National Lampoon's Vacation movie poster)

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1. What did the "W" in Clark W. Griswold stand for?
  A.   William
  B.   Wilhelm
  C.   Warren
  D.   Wilbur

2. When the Griswolds visited cousins Catherine & Eddie, what town were they in?
  A.   South Fork, Colorado
  B.   North Fork, Colorado
  C.   Coolidge, Kansas
  D.   Phoenix, Arizona

3. What was the name of Aunt Edna's dog?
  A.   Binky
  B.   Winky
  C.   Pinky
  D.   Dinky

4. What was Eddie & Catherine's oldest daughter's name?
  A.   Ruby Sue
  B.   Daisy Mabel
  C.   Vicki
  D.   Tammy

5. What was the name of the campsite where the Griswolds stayed?
  A.   KOA
  B.   Kamp Komfort
  C.   Komfort Kamp
  D.   Kamp in Komfort

6. Where was the campsite located?
  A.   South Fork, Colorado
  B.   North Fork, Colorado
  C.   Coolidge, Kansas
  D.   Phoenix, Arizona

7. When Aunt Edna died, the family brought her body to her son's house. What was her son's name?
  A.   Monte
  B.   Normy
  C.   Warren
  D.   Albert

8. How old was Rusty's character in this film?
  A.   13
  B.   14
  C.   15
  D.   16

9. How old was Audrey's character in this film?
  A.   11
  B.   12
  C.   13
  D.   14

10. What was John Candy's character name?
  A.   Lansky
  B.   Lawsky
  C.   Lesky
  D.   Lasky®   

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