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Trivia Quiz - National Lampoon's European Vacation

How much do you know about "National Lampoon's European Vacation"?

Quiz Number: 1603
Date Submitted: September 12, 2007
Quiz Categories: Comedy Movies
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: LittleLady
Average Score: 57 percent
Times Taken: 216 times
Taken by Registered Users: 17

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National Lampoons European Vacation
(Image Source: National Lampoon's European Vacation movie poster)

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1. What was the name of the game show on which the Griswold's won the European trip?
  A.   Pig in A Poke
  B.   Pie in the Sky
  C.   Let's Be Pigs
  D.   Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?

2. What was the name of the game show host?
  A.   Jack Andrews
  B.   Kent Winkdale
  C.   Wink Anderson
  D.   Ken Kennedy

3. What was the family's first European stop?
  A.   London
  B.   Paris
  C.   Germany
  D.   Rome

4. What was their second stop?
  A.   London
  B.   Paris
  C.   Germany
  D.   Rome

5. Third stop?
  A.   London
  B.   Paris
  C.   Germany
  D.   Rome

6. Final stop?
  A.   London
  B.   Paris
  C.   Germany
  D.   Rome

7. What was the last name of the long-time champions on the game show?
  A.   Kroeger
  B.   Froeger
  C.   Einsteins
  D.   Lowers

8. When in Germany, the Griswolds mistakenly visited the wrong family. What was their last name?
  A.   Fritz
  B.   Schmidt
  C.   Spritz
  D.   Von Helga

9. According to his passport, what was Clark's birth date?
  A.   August 1, 1950
  B.   August 8, 1945
  C.   August 10 1947
  D.   August 15. 1948

10. While in London, in how many car accidents were the Griswolds involved before hitting the biker?
  A.   0
  B.   1
  C.   2
  D.   3®   

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