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Trivia Quiz - Chris Squire: Bassist Extraordinaire

How much do you REALLY know about the late great Chris Squire?

Quiz Number: 1804
Date Submitted: November 26, 2007
Quiz Categories: Progressive Rock, Yes
Quiz Type: Personality Quiz
Author: yarstruly
Average Score: 88.5 percent
Times Taken: 354 times
Taken by Registered Users: 12
Quiz is about: Chris Squire

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Chris Squire Bassist Extraordinaire
(Image Source: Chris Squire)

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1. With what band was Chris Squire most closely associated?
  A.   Led Zeppelin
  B.   Yes
  C.   Jethro Tull
  D.   King Crimson

2. By what nickname was Chris Squire commonly known to his friends?
  A.   Fox
  B.   Ox
  C.   Fish
  D.   Dog

3. Other than playing bass, what was Chris primarily known for contributing to Yes?
  A.   harmony vocals
  B.   backing keyboards
  C.   percussion
  D.   rhythm guitar

4. As a youngster, Chris attended Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School and, in 1964, he was suspended from school. Why was he suspended.
  A.   he got into a fight
  B.   his hair was too long
  C.   he snuck a girl into school with him
  D.   he brought his dog to school

5. Chris was best known for playing a particular brand of bass. What was it?
  A.   Peavy
  B.   Fender
  C.   Gibson
  D.   Rickenbacker

6. In 1981, Chris began to launch a band called XYZ, that never got off the ground. Who else was going to be in that band?
  A.   Robert Plant & Bill Bruford
  B.   Alan White & Jimmy Page
  C.   Rick Wakeman & John Paul Jones
  D.   Alan White & Robert Plant

7. What was the name of Chris' 1975 solo album?
  A.   Fish Out of Water
  B.   Flying Fish
  C.   Fish & Chips
  D.   Fish Sandwich

8. Which of these bands was Chris Squire never a member of?
  A.   The Syn
  B.   Mabel Greer's Toyshop
  C.   Tomorrow
  D.   Conspiracy

9. With whom did Chris conspire to create the band called Conspiracy?
  A.   Igor Khorochev
  B.   Geoff Downes
  C.   Trevor Rabin
  D.   Billy Sherwood

10. After Squire's death in 2015, who replaced him on Yes' 2015 Tour?
  A.   Billy Sherwood
  B.   Geddy Lee
  C.   Jeff Pilson
  D.   John Wetton®   

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