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Trivia Quiz - Songs with City Names in the Title

An easy quiz about some songs with the names of cities or towns in them. Just fill in the city or town.

Quiz Number: 2868
Date Submitted: October 16, 2008
Quiz Categories: Music
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: phonerec
Average Score: 82.9 percent
Times Taken: 79 times
Taken by Registered Users: 19

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Songs with City Names in the Title
(Image Source: LVABJ)

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1. Fill in the blank for this song title: Livin' on_______Time
  A.   Tulsa
  B.   San Fransisco
  C.   Dallas
  D.   Memphis

2. Fill in the blank for this song title: Do You Know the Way to ________?
  A.   Monterrey
  B.   Tucson
  C.   San Jose
  D.   Oakland

3. Fill in the blank for this song title: Okie From _________.
  A.   Claremore
  B.   Enid
  C.   Edmond
  D.   Muskogee

4. Fill in the blank for this song title: City of _________,
  A.   New Orleans
  B.   Baltimore
  C.   Seattle
  D.   Dallas

5. Fill in the blank for this song title: Oh Little Town of __________.
  A.   Jeruselem
  B.   Bethlehem
  C.   Oak Lawn
  D.   Tecumpsa

6. Fill in the blank for this song title: _______Michigan
  A.   Sterling Heights
  B.   Kalamazoo
  C.   Saginaw
  D.   Detroit

7. Fill in the blank for this song title: By the Time I Get To ________.
  A.   London
  B.   Los Angeles
  C.   Lake Geneva
  D.   Phoenix

8. Fill in the blank for this song title: I Left My Heart in __________.
  A.   San Fransisco
  B.   St. Paul
  C.   Trenton
  D.   Middletown

9. Fill in the blank for this song title: Last Train to _________.
  A.   Chattanooga
  B.   Clarksville
  C.   Alberta
  D.   Boise

10. Fill in the blank for this song title: Werewolves of _______.
  A.   Edinboro
  B.   Atlanta
  C.   London
  D.   Berlin®   

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