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Trivia Quiz - Women Who Were First at Something

A quiz about some ladies who were first to do some interesting things.

Quiz Number: 3012
Date Submitted: December 28, 2008
Quiz Categories: History, Amazing "Firsts" in History!
Quiz Type: General Quiz
Author: 0zero0
Average Score: 32.5 percent
Times Taken: 197 times
Taken by Registered Users: 13

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Women Who Were First at Something
(Image Source: Forensic Genealogy)

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1. What was the name of the first published American woman writer?
  A.   Helen Fisher
  B.   Anne Bradstreet
  C.   Constance Sweeney
  D.   Lillian French

2. What was the name of the first female newspaper editor?
  A.   Ann Franklin
  B.   Mary Spencer
  C.   Barbara Ellington
  D.   Alice Spears

3. What was the name of the first woman to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel?
  A.   Margaret Nance
  B.   Vivian Bell
  C.   Annie Taylor
  D.   Linda Doss

4. What was the name of the first policewoman in the United States?
  A.   Alice Wells
  B.   Cynthia Fargo
  C.   Lisa Smith
  D.   Mary Talbott

5. What was the name of the first Miss America?
  A.   Margaret Gorman
  B.   Alicia Hill
  C.   Kathy Church
  D.   Nancy Hundley

6. What was the name of the first female commercial airline pilot in the United States?
  A.   Eva Ward
  B.   Esther Minter
  C.   Edith Carter
  D.   Emily Warner

7. What was the name of the first woman to set foot on the North Pole?
  A.   Fran Phipps
  B.   Donna Tilley
  C.   Gail Priddy
  D.   Mary Bartlett

8. What was the name of the first immigrant, who happened to be a woman, to pass through Ellis Island?
  A.   Sylvia Cook
  B.   Annie Moore
  C.   Mary Spencer
  D.   Edna George

9. What was the name of the first woman to successfully climb The Matterhorn in Switzerland?
  A.   Rose Peterson
  B.   Lucy Walker
  C.   Laura Penn
  D.   Paula Janey

10. What was the name of the first woman to run for president?
  A.   Angela Alexander
  B.   Ethel Ewell
  C.   Victoria Woodhall
  D.   Susan Shropshire®   

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