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Trivia Quiz - G.A. Custer: He Met His At Little Big Horn

George Armstrong Custer (December 5, 1839 – June 25, 1876) was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the Indian Wars.

Quiz Number: 4237
Date Submitted: January 03, 2012
Quiz Categories: American History, American Civil War, American Culture, American Military
Quiz Type: Personality Quiz
Author: patrickryan
Average Score: 68.5 percent
Times Taken: 247 times
Taken by Registered Users: 10
Quiz is about: George A Custer

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G.A. Custer He Met His At Little Big Horn
(Image Source: Wikipedia contributors (2005). George Armstrong Custer. Wikipedia, The Free Ency)

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1. Before war's end, Custer was promoted to the temporary rank (brevet) of what?
  A.   Brigadier General
  B.   Major General
  C.   Lt. General
  D.   General of the Army

2. At then end of the Civil War, Custer returned to his permanent rank which was:
  A.   Captain
  B.   Major
  C.   Lt. Colonel
  D.   Brigadier General

3. Raised in Michigan and Ohio, Custer was admitted to West Point in 1858, where he graduated at what rank in his class?
  A.   first in his class.
  B.   3 out of 34.
  C.   last in his class.
  D.   30 out of 34.

4. In Gettysburg, Custer led a cavalry charge; this charge has been credited with what?
  A.   Killing General Stonewall Jackson.
  B.   killing more men than any cavalry charge in US history.
  C.   Injuring author Mark Twain, resulting in him losing an arm.
  D.   breaking the back of the Confederate assault.

5. Custer was present at the end of the Civil War at Appomattox Court House. With what keepsake was Custer's wife presented after the surrender?
  A.   A picture of event, signed by Lee and Grant.
  B.   The table upon which the surrender was signed.
  C.   The pens used to sign the surrender.
  D.   Robert E. Lee's sword and insignia.

6. What dubious distinction did Custer's brigade attain at Gettysburg?
  A.   The highest number of drunk and disorderly arrests.
  B.   The highest loss of men by a Union cavalry brigade.
  C.   The highest number of men drowned in any brigade in Gettysburg.
  D.   The highest veneral disease rate for a cavalry troop.

7. Custer was appointed to his most famous role in 1866; what was the command?
  A.   7th Cavalry Commanding Officer
  B.   6th Cavalry Commanding Officer
  C.   5th Cavalry Executive Officer
  D.   6th Cavalry Executive Officer

8. In 1867, Custer was court-martialed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. What for?
  A.   being drunk and disorderly on watch.
  B.   getting caught naked with a kitchen boy.
  C.   Absent without Leave, when he went to visit his spouse.
  D.   killing prisoners (12 Mexicans and 19 Native Americans).

9. In 1874, Custer led an expedition into the Black Hills (South Dakota) and announced the discovery of what?
  A.   gold
  B.   oil
  C.   ancient pyramids
  D.   diamonds

10. Before taking his final command under a cloud, Custer testified in Congress against Orville, brother of what powerful Republican politician?
  A.   General Phillip Sheridan
  B.   Secretary of War, William W. Belknap
  C.   Secretary of War, Alphonso Taft
  D.   President U.S. Grant®   

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