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Trivia Quiz - The Breakfast Club Roll Call: Andrew

If you are a fan of "The Breakfast Club", I hope you enjoy my Roll Call quizzes. Here's one about Andrew (the athlete). Good luck!

Quiz Number: 5246
Date Submitted: January 19, 2014
Quiz Categories: Comedy Movies, Fictional Characters
Quiz Type: Movie Quiz
Author: zendyk
Average Score: 67.6 percent
Times Taken: 34 times
Taken by Registered Users: 3

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The Breakfast Club Roll Call Andrew
(Image Source:

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1. In what sport did Andrew compete?
  A.   football
  B.   swimming
  C.   track
  D.   wrestling

2. According to Andrew, all girls are:
  A.   delicate
  B.   liars
  C.   stupid
  D.   teases

3. Andrew said he would do what for a million dollars?
  A.   come to school naked
  B.   make out with an old lady
  C.   quit school
  D.   wreck his father's car

4. Why was Andrew in detention?
  A.   A gun was found in his locker.
  B.   He set off a fire alarm at school.
  C.   He skipped school to go to the movies.
  D.   He taped a guy's buns together.

5. What was Andrew's last name?
  A.   Bender
  B.   Clark
  C.   Johnson
  D.   Reynolds

6. What color was Andrew's hoodie?
  A.   black
  B.   grey
  C.   blue
  D.   red

7. How many sandwiches did Andrew bring in his lunch?
  A.   four
  B.   three
  C.   one
  D.   two

8. Andrew insisted that the kids could get back to the library through:
  A.   the activities hall
  B.   the cafeteria
  C.   the gym
  D.   Vernon's office

9. What color were Andrew's sneakers?
  A.   plain white
  B.   blue and orange
  C.   red and white
  D.   blue and white

10. After Andrew took off all his outer layers, he was wearing a blue shirt with what what emblem on it?
  A.   Adidas
  B.   Izod
  C.   Nike
  D.   Puma®   

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