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Trivia Quiz - Rudyard Kipling - British Imperial Writer

His works reflected the majetsy of the British Empire and its influence around the world.

Quiz Number: 5435
Date Submitted: December 27, 2014
Quiz Categories: History, Literature, Authors, British History
Quiz Type: Personality Quiz
Author: grant228
Average Score: 46 percent
Times Taken: 25 times
Taken by Registered Users: 2

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Rudyard Kipling  British Imperial Writer

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1. Although the archetypal Englishman, Rudyard Kipling was born in what country in 1865?
  A.   Japan
  B.   China
  C.   India
  D.   Egypt

2. Which of the following books did Rudyard Kipling not write?
  A.   The Jungle Book
  B.   Captains Courageous
  C.   The Four Feathers
  D.   The Man Who Would Be King

3. Which of the following short stories did Kipling not write?
  A.   The Famous Five
  B.   Just So Stories for Children
  C.   The Man Who Would Be King
  D.   Puck of Pook's Hill

4. Kipling was a prolific poet. Which of the following poems was not written by him?
  A.   The Last Hero
  B.   White Man's Burden
  C.   Recessional
  D.   Gunga Din

5. Which of the following did Rudyard Kipling receive for his literary works?
  A.   Knighthood
  B.   Order of the British Empire
  C.   Pulitzer Prize
  D.   Nobel Prize for Literature

6. In what U S state did Rudyard Kipling and his wife settle, intending to stay there?
  A.   New Hampshire
  B.   Vermont
  C.   Maine
  D.   Connecticut

7. Rudyard Kipling, like Mark Twain endured the agony of burying children. How many of his children died before him?
  A.   1
  B.   2
  C.   3
  D.   4

8. Rudyard Kipling ventured into other literary genres. Which of the following was one of his chosen areas?
  A.   travel
  B.   science fiction
  C.   erotic fiction
  D.   horror

9. What is the opening line of Kipling's most famous poem "If"?
  A.   If you can dream and not make dreams your master
  B.   If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue
  C.   If you can walk with kings and not lose the common touch
  D.   If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you

10. Rudyard Kipling died in 1936 with his ashes interred where?
  A.   Mandalay
  B.   Flanders
  C.   Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey
  D.   Under Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square®   

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