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Trivia Quizzes - TV Dramadey

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Num Title Category About Author Times Taken Average Score(%)
1 Breaking Bad - Seasons 1-2American TV Dramas, TV Dramadey  garrett27651.1
2 Burn Notice: The BasicsAmerican TV Dramas, TV Dramadey  Samurai Sam21084.3
3 Desperate Housewives: Residents of Wisteria LaneTV Dramadey  lmcubs8287.9
4 Here Come the Brides TV ShowTV Dramadey  cindilee38488.3
5 M*A*S*H Characters: Hawkeye PierceFictional Characters, TV Dramadey, M*A*S*H  0zero071174
6 M*A*S*H Character MatchTV Dramadey, M*A*S*H  madman46192.9
7 M*A*S*H EssentialsM*A*S*H, TV Dramadey  pshaloy58967.9
8 Moonlighting: Oh, the Dramedy!TV Dramadey  lmcubs7570.4
9 Psych: TV's First Fake Psychic ShowTV Dramadey  Samurai Sam35888.1
10 The Courtship of Eddie's Father: Cute Show!TV Dramadey  dana22065.1
11 The Wonder Years: American Comedy-DramaTV Dramadey  tazzytina17584.7

Grand Averages for these 11 Quizzes     77.7®   

Pine River Consulting 2022